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About Lawrence Block

Lawrence Block has been writing award-winning mystery and suspense fiction for half a century.  His most recent novels are A DROP OF THE HARD STUFF, featuring Matthew Scudder, and GETTING OFF, starring a very naughty young woman.  Several of his books have been filmed, although not terribly well.  He’s well known for his books for writers, including the classic TELLING LIES FOR FUN & PROFIT, and THE LIAR’S BIBLE.  In addition to prose works, he has written episodic television (TILT!) and the Wong Kar-wai film, MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS.  He is a modest and humble fellow, although you would never guess as much from this biographical note.

And he’s not hard to contact:


Twitter:  @LawrenceBlock


I don’t know why anyone would care, but I get that question often enough to gather that you do. While I’ll probably continue to mumble something evasive in public, we’re private here, right? I mean, it’s the Internet, for heaven’s sake. Our privacy is guaranteed.

So let’s go. I’ll stick largely to dead authors, in order to avoid offending the unmentioned living. What follows is in no particular order. I’ve supplied links for those books that are in print, but the others shouldn’t be too hard for you to track down. I know my readers, and y’all are a resourceful lot.

When I add to this section, I’ll put the latest posts at the top, so return visitors won’t have to wade through what they’ve already read. And I’ll date the posts, which I didn’t have the sense to do from the beginning. So:

May 4, 2012
Donald E. Westlake’s new/old novel

Here’s a review I wrote last night for a new release by a cherished friend:

First, full disclosure: Donald E. Westlake was one of my closest friends for over fifty years. Shortly after his death, I had the good fortune to play a role in Hard Case Crime’s publication of Memory, a dark existential novel he wrote in the early 60s and shelved when his agent couldn’t sell it. I read Memory in manuscript, days after he finished it, and I thought it was brilliant. My opinion hasn’t changed.

Twenty years later, Don wrote The Comedy is Finished; he shelved this one when a Scorsese film came out with a theme that was too close to his. (I remember he acknowledged other problems as well. He was renowned as the ranking master of comic suspense, and he’d written a caper novel in which a Bob Hope-type comedian is kidnapped, so how can a reader expect anything but froth and laughs? But the book, while hardly humorless, is overall about as funny as a heart attack. So how do you promote something like that?)

As I said, I read Memory back in the day. I didn’t get to read The Comedy is Finished until Charles Ardai (more full disclosure: another friend, and a publisher of mine) rescued it from oblivion. And I’m hugely grateful for the chance to read it now. It’s a wonderful look at a largely forgotten chapter in American history, contemporary when it was written, a perfect period piece now. I’m biased, we know that, but I enjoyed and admired the book hugely, and I’m pleased to commend it to your attention.

October 7, 2011
Somerset Maugham

I’ve been neglecting this page lately. Other projects have been keeping me busy, and there’s also the fact that I haven’t been reading much lately. But I had dinner the other night with Dan Wakefield, whom I think of as an old friend I was meeting for the first time. We’ve had no end of friends in common, both lived in the Village in the 50s, are familiar with and fond of each other’s work, but had no contact until Facebook brought us together. A few weeks ago I reread a favorite book, Starting Over, and found I liked it every bit as much as I did in 1974. And he came town, and we had dinner, and discovered a mutual delight in the work of W. Somerset Maugham.

Somerset Maugham, Willie to his friends, was hugely successful during his long lifetime (1874-1965) and produced a great number of short stories, novels, and plays. His semi-autobiographical novel, Of Human Bondage, is often considered his most important work, but when I tried to reread it a few years ago I found it slow going. His huge body of work includes some lesser efforts, but everything he wrote was so accessible and well-crafted that one can’t go too far wrong. Dan and I shared our enthusiasm for The Razor’s Edge (about a spiritual quest) and The Moon and Sixpence (inspired by Gauguin). I spoke admiringly of Cakes and Ale (which is sort of about Hugh Walpole) and The Narrow Corner (which made me sorry I never smoked opium). I could have mentioned Ashenden, too, a classic espionage story based on Maugham’s own career as a British agent during the First World War.

Maugham’s reputation has suffered, perhaps because he’s so easy to read; he makes it look easy. He wrote astutely about writing, too, in The Summing Up and A Writer’s Notebook.

Dan had good things to say about The Painted Veil, one I’d somehow missed. It’s on my Kindle now.

July 31, 2011
Fredric Brown
In 1957-8 I was working at a literary agency and writing short stories for magazines like Manhunt and Trapped and Guilty. I was reading widely in the field, for pleasure as well as education, and the New York Mercantile Library was a great source of out-of-print crime fiction; they never threw anything out, so for pennies a day I could read my way through the complete works of some wonderful writers, not least of whom was Fredric Brown.

I’d discovered Brown my freshman year in college, when my roommate Steve Schwerner and I ate up The Screaming Mimi and The Wench is Dead. I wasn’t calling it research then. I just loved the way the guy wrote, and now I had good reason to read everything the man had written.

So one night I came home from the office via the Merc. I remember that it was a Friday, and I’d stopped on my way home to pick up a bottle of Jim Beam, thinking it would be pleasant to have a drink or two while I read Murder Can Be Fun. I opened the book and the bottle, and every time Brown’s protagonist had a drink, I had one myself. Now you could do this with Agatha Christie or Ellery Queen and you’d be fine, but with Fred Brown it was suicidal. The next thing I knew it was morning, and I was passed out on the floor, and the bottle was empty, and the book barely half-finished.

Fredric Brown started out as a printer and had a considerable apprenticeship in the pulps before his first novel, The Fabulous Clipjoint, made its debut by winning an Edgar. (The book has a carnival background, and its uncle-and-nephew team of Ed and Am Hunter reappear to good effect in several later novels.) He was every bit asadept at science-fiction, and Martians Go Home and What Mad Universe are classics. He wrote an abundance of short stories in both genres, and a remarkable proportion of these are brilliant, and frequently grace anthologies. Every story he told was recounted in his very distinctive and always engaging voice. You pick up the book and read the first paragraph and relax, knowing you’re in good hands.

I’d recommend all of the books I’ve mentioned, and don’t want to forget Night of the Jabberwock, a special treat for Lewis Carroll enthusiasts.

I’d have liked to meet Fredric Brown, and might have; he went on living and writing novels until 1972. It never occurred to me to write him a letter, and then the day came when it was too late.

July 29, 2011
Evan was a role model for me years before I ever heard the term. That he eventually became a good friend was a source of enormous satisfaction to me. Sometimes the intimacy of friendship can keep the fiction from working, but that certainly didn’t happen here. I have never stopped being his fan.

I wrote a pair of columns for Mystery Scene about my memories of Evan, so I’ll confine myself here to his work. He’s probably best known for his work as Ed McBain, esp. the 87th Precinct novels; over half a century and no end of books, the quality never slipped and you never felt he was phoning it in. If anything, I’d argue that the books got better as he went along, becoming longer, richer, and more layered.

The books he wrote as Evan Hunter are not generic crime novels, although many have crime as an element. Evan’s own favorite was Buddwing; I read it when it came out and didn’t care for it. (I think I probably ought to have another look at it.) Last Summer is a wicked little gem of a novel, with not a superfluous word in it; there’s a sequel, Come Winter, and that’s good as well. Streets of Gold, narrated by a blind jazz pianist from East Harlem, is a great picture of the music world and of growing up Italian. Candyland, a tour de force in which Evan Hunter and Ed McBain share a byline, makes a gripping and haunting story out of sexual addiction.

Evan’s final illness was nasty, a siege of laryngeal cancer that took his voice before it took his life. He wrote up until the very end. His memoir of his illness, Let’s Talk—published in the UK but not here, and don’t ask me why—is his way of making lemonade out of that particular sour citrus. And months before his death he completed Alice in Jeopardy, only to begin work on Becca in Jeopardy; it was his intention to work his way clear through the alphabet. The man was a writer with every atom of his being, and you’re in good hands whatever book of his you pick.

If I have a favorite writer, he’s it. I’ve re-read virtually everything of O’Hara’s, some books many times, and have never lost the feeling that he captures American lives better than anyone else. It’s fashionable to praise his short stories over his novels, fashionable too to claim it was all downhill after his first novel, Appointment in Samarra. Well, that’s crap. The short fiction is wonderful, and Samarra’s a brilliant debut, but long novels like Ten North Frederick and From the Terrace set a bar so high I don’t expect anyone to clear it. And I can’t fail to mention the set of three perfect short novels, Sermons and Soda Water. Just about everything’s out of print, but not hard to find in the after-market.

Ross was a good friend, and I miss him. I wrote about him in a piece I did for Mystery Scene, and supplied an introduction for a reissue of, so let me only that I find his work—under his own name and as Oliver Bleeck—wonderfully entertaining and endlessly re-readable. Everything he wrote is a favorite, but I’ll mention a few: The Fools in Town are on Our Side, The Cold War Swap, The Fourth Durango, Chinaman’s Chance, The Procane Chronicle. . .oh, this is silly. They’re all terrific. The man never wrote a bad book, or a lifeless page.

Well, I’ve just broken my own word, because I’m happy to say that Jeff Shaara is very much alive. But how to mention The Killer Angels, his father’s wonderful novel of Gettysburg, without citing the son who bookended that work with Gods and Generals and The Last Full Measure? Jeff was a coin dealer in Florida when someone suggested he augment his father’s work with a prequel and a sequel, and he took to it as if born to do just that. You’d swear he was channeling Michael. He’s gone on to write other books about other American wars, and they’re all good, but read these three books first.

You’d think from this list that I was a big fan of historical novels, but mostly I’m not. They have to be terrific. Thomas Flanagan wrote three, all set in Ireland, and they’re better than terrific; they’re Literature. The Year of the French is first, and the most accessible; The Tenants of Time and The End of the Hunt are a little more demanding, but worth the effort. One wishes he could have written more.

It can’t be much of a secret that he and I were best friends for many years. I’ve written extensively about Don, and supplied introductions for three of his Richard Stark novels,, Comeback and Backflash. Of course I recommend those—and Dancing Aztecs, and, and The Road to Ruin, and the Tucker Coe books, and everything else the man ever wrote. (And he wrote a lot…)

A brilliant writer who wrote too little and died too young. Much of his work is science fiction (Mockingbird, The Man Who Fell to Earth) but I’m fondest of his contemporary novels. The Queen’s Gambit is a personal favorite, and I’m about due to re-read it again. Ditto The Hustler and it’s under-appreciated sequel, The Color of Money. (The Paul Newman film version of the latter departed entirely from the book on page one; I can understand the filmmaker’s decision, but I don’t have to agree with it.)

Well, that’s a start. More to come. . .

Jalfieri’s comment tilted me toward baseball stories. I was in the process of ePubbing “Almost Perfect” and had made these observations in the online introduction to the story: “My own favorite baseball stories are all novels. Bernard Malamud’s The Natural is a critical favorite, and justly so, but there are four other books I like even better. Three are by Mark Harris—The Southpaw and its two sequels, Bang the Drum Slowly and A Ticket For a Seamstitch. (Harris wrote a fourth novel about the same character toward the end of his life, and it can be charitably described as disappointing.) And Charles Einstein’s The Only Game in Town is a book I’ve reread several times, with undiminishing enjoyment.”

I unaccountably failed to mention W. P Kinsella’s magical Shoeless Joe, which I enjoyed immensely as a book and again as the film, Field of Dreams. And I’ve ordered the Shaara book on Jalfieri’s recommendation. More to come…

  1. May be OT — but just wanted to say A Drop of the Hard Stuff is probably the best Scudder I’ve read so far (and I’ve got them all). Hard to pick favorites, although All the Flowers Are Dying comes near the top. I really, really love the character of Mick Ballou, which says something about me I guess. Career criminal and all; but on the other hand, the Hitman series is terrific, too. I actually like Keller and empathize with him, despite his questionable employment.

    Thanks for hours and hours of good reads!

  2. Guess permalink

    Started watching the Craig Ferguson show because of you and now I am a huge fan. Always fun to see you on there.

    • Craig’s not only a brilliant comedian and a skilled writer, but he’s also a positive genius at making his guests look good. I cherish his friendship and I love to do his show. I hope he’ll have me back in September for GETTING OFF, but I dunno. If he held up the book, they’d probably bleep the cover.

  3. Lots of great stuff here. The only ones I’ve read are the Stark books you mentioned. Have been meaning to read Ross Thomas for some time now, as well as Killer Angels. Now if I could just get through this pesky pile of Scudder books I have stacked on my bedside table…

  4. Can’t agree more about Westlake’s works, they are fantastic. I’m glad you mentioned Dancing Aztecs. I absolutely love that book and still find it so funny and enjoyable even after reading it multiple times. I agree with Maria A Drop of the Hard Stuff was excellent. I finally got a chance to read it and tore through it in a couple days. Really, really excellent book and was my first Scudder, so I’m looking forward to catching up on some of the others this summer.

    • Adam, I’ve got enough to keep you busy for a while…

      • Ron permalink

        Mr Block have you read Gerald Kersh? He was one of the most original, incredible, funniest and naturally brilliant and gifted writers I have ever read…and of course anything from Robert Sheckley.

  5. jalfieri permalink

    Now I have more writers to add to my “to read” list: O’Hara, Tevis, and Thomas.

    I agree with you about the Shaara father/son books; they seem to be written by the same person. Uncanny.

    For Love of the Game (Michael Shaara) is a pretty good book, as well, especially if you’re a baseball fan.

    • Thanks—I just ordered For Love of the Game on your recommendation. (After all, you’ve never failed me in the past.) I have a batch of favorite baseball novels and will list them soon. I mention them in the author’s note for “Almost Perfect,” a baseball story that’s presently working its way through the Kindle publishing program. Be eager to see Shaara’s fictional take on the game. (It is, alas, out-of-print, but not hard to find.)

      • I haven’t read the book, but really enjoyed the movie. I suppose I should go back and read the book now 🙂

        I’m looking forward to the list of baseball novels. I’m a huge baseball fan, but for some reason, almost all the baseball books I read are non-fiction (physics, economics, component analysis, etc). That’s even more bizarre considering that, in general, I’m a reader of fiction.

        As a kid growing up in Iowa, I enjoyed “Shoeless Joe” … and was thrilled when they filmed the movie (Field of Dreams) less than 10 miles from my house (I was 14 when it was released).

        I liked “Almost Perfect” and I can fully understand why the authorities responded in the manner they did. I’d have probably done the same.

      • jalfieri permalink

        I hope you enjoy the book. Another book you might want to read –maybe I’m late to the party with this– is Robert Parker’s Double Play. It’s about a gumshoe hired to protect Jackie Robinson in his first season.

  6. jalfieri permalink

    I look forward to your list of baseball books, and seeing how it compares to mine.

    Shaara’s story is really a novella, barely 160 pages in paperback. And probably set at 12/14 to get that many pages. But clearly written by someone passionate about the game. …then again, you know these writers…

  7. A fine list. Westlake and Thomas were two of the greats, with the latter being my all-time favorite. Nobody ever wrote like Ross. A true genius. And Westlake was so good in so many different areas. I’ve been reading (and re-reading) a bunch of old Stark novels. Such economy of prose, yet so evocative and enthralling. Plus, you’d never know they’re 45 years old.

    It makes me a little melancholy when I think about how some of the best writers, the people who have given me so many hours of pleasure, are now gone

    • Melancholia comes with the territory, doesn’t it? Glad we’ve still got the books, though time has stolen away their authors…

  8. I’ve read all the Scudder novels and I thought all the Burglar novels (In addition to about a dozen other Block novels), but I was absolutely giddy when I found out I missed the 2009 Burglar novel Burglar on the Prowl. Ran to my Kindle. Pressed a few buttons and I had the book in about 5 seconds. Ain’t life grand?

    • For both of us, my friend. A couple of mouse clicks and you’ve got a book and I’ve got a royalty. Just the way it ought to be.

      • You are the master of e-pub! I don’t think anyone has adopted it like you.

        But my favorite spy story, The Honorable Schoolboy, finally made it!

        Wonderful to read your stuff I’d never heard of — and watch your royalties grow a smidgen nightly 🙂

      • Thanks, Bill. Not sure if I’m the master of ePub—or the slave. And smidgen, I assure you, is the operative word in that last sentence…

  9. Have you ever read any of Steven Saylor’s Roma Sub Rosa series? I discovered these last year on Kindle….nothing like mysteries set in ancient Rome…fantastic stuff…

  10. Thanks Mr. Block for the Scudder. Matt and I have ODAAT’d it for some time now. Always keeping it fresh. It is good to see you here in the Web 2.0 world. ~jg

  11. I have to third the recommendations for Ross Thomas and Donald Westlake. I’ve recently been on a binge, reading all of the espionage novels of Thomas and Westlake, along with your Tanner novels. All three of you perfectly capture the ever increasing absurdity of that business. Given the fact that most of those books were written decades ago, I guess it just proves the more things change…

  12. Ah, three of my favorites right off the, er, Block: Hunter, Westlake, and Ross Thomas! I’m so glad you mentioned Thomas. I forgot how much I loved his books. Chinaman’s Chance is the one that I remember vividly. God, what great work! Of course, in my mind, the HOLY triumvirate is you, Evan, and Don. Oh, the hours I’ve spent clutching your books in my hot little hands — laughing, crying, and cheering on your heroes (and anti-heroes). Then there’s stalking the dusty second-hand book stores for OP titles, chuckling in delight when I discovered a title I didn’t have, taking a bus downtown to the main library to check out a hard-to-find title — what a misspent youth I had. You guys are truly the Big 3! And you’ve had a huge impact on my writing life (I write screenplays and plays). I’m trying to gear up for a novel, but find that rather intimidating. Not sure why. It’s not like the Hollywood system isn’t intimidating and frustrating as all hell, eh? Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you for the hundreds of hours of entertainment you’ve provided. I hope to be enthralled for hundreds more. 🙂

    • Ron, thanks so much for this. The spam filter of the blogging software seems to have snagged this, and I just found it now, and of course approved it as soon as I did. You knw how Ross happened to write Chinaman’s Chance, don’t you? Some agent or editor, I forget who, took him aside and said, “Kid, two mistakes you don’t want to make in this game. Don’t write about Chinamen, and don’t write about dwarves.” So Ross wrote Chinaman’s Chance and followed it with The Eighth Dwarf. God, I miss him.

      • Yes, The Eighth Dwarf, another good one! Well, thanks for rescuing my post from the spam bin. Let’s see if this one gets through. 🙂

  13. “You pick up the book and read the first paragraph and relax, knowing you’re in good hands.”

    That is the very highest praise! I love to read books that are going places, I don’t know where, but I’m glad to be along for the ride.

    That’s the feeling I get when I read your books too, Mr. Block!

    • Thanks, Margaret. One point I might have made is that Fredric Brown’s books and stories remain in one’s memory, even a memory over-burdened with a lifetime of reading. Something makes them sufficiently distinctive that you remember them.

  14. Maria Murad permalink

    Just need to make a couple of comments: First, I am so glad I was able to get “The Merciful Angel of Death” that had been missing on my Kindle. A story that makes you think about the Endgame we all play. Second, I think daily of a quote from a conversation between Mick and Matt (sorry, can’t remember which book)that has stuck with me. “Thank you for everything just the way it is.” For a control freak who is trying to reform, this quote gives me much peace.

    See what the Scudder books teach us! (Oh, and I have tardily discovered Donald Westlake through LB’s recs. What a writer we’ve lost!)



    • Ah yes. “Thank you for everything just as it is.” Most useful prayer I know. (Though it was difficult for me to express gratitude for the missing story!)

  15. spoke with Lawrence Block about his latest book “Getting Off”:​ature/interview-lawrence-block​-09-24-2011

  16. juliabarrett permalink

    Baseball stories – my favorite.

  17. John Waler permalink

    Hi, Mr. Block! Have you been to China? There are so many readers of your books. I had seen Tanner’s stuff. Love it much. Are you considering a new Tanner’s book? Thanks.

    • Hi John. I’ve been to Taiwan twice and Beijing once for interviews and meetings with readers. It was wonderful discovering how popular my books are over there. I don’t expect that there will be more Tanner books, but I never know. After all, it was 28 years between ME TANNER, YOU JANE and TANNER ON ICE!

      • John Waler permalink

        Well, I am more interested in your books. Many old-fashioned authors hate computers, can you say something interesting between you and the new technology (such as Kindle)? Have you tried to resist when you first contacted them? Last question, have you read Jo Nesbo’s book? Thanks, Mr.Block!

      • John, I’ve blogged about that subject at length. Here’s a link:

  18. Larry, you really are amazing. Master of ePub, indeed! I’m still struggling to figure out how to use Facebook to advantage and far too undisciplined to start a blog. I like your reading list. I came upon A Shropshire Lad the other day and thought of you…

  19. Tom Mitchell permalink

    I’m so glad I discovered you thru a New Zealand library that had an interactive site that essentially said if you like x (I put Linwood Barclay) and Y (I put T. Jefferson Parker0 and you popped out at the top. I have read all Keller (too short a series) and am not halfway thru scudder who I read in order. I just love how you develop and bring your characters out and develop them as I read in order. Watching, er reading, his conquering of alcoholism has been interesting and of course the novel’s content is always good. AND I have many more series to go through. You really rock! Tom Mitchell, Darnestown,. MD

  20. John Waler permalink

    Hi, Mr.Block, do you like Tarantino’s film?

  21. Ron permalink

    Mr Block have you read Gerald Kersh? He was one of the most original, incredible, funniest and naturally brilliant and gifted writers I have ever read…and of course anything from Robert Sheckley.

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